Outputs of a simulation

After optimization of an energy system, the open-plan-tool evaluates the simulation output. It evaluates the flows, costs and performance of the system. As a result, it can calculate a number of key performance indicators (KPI), namely economic, technical and environmental KPI. Not all of them are displayed in the graphical current user interface, they are nevertheless listed here for information.

Overview of Key Performance Indicators

Technical KPI are calculated to assess the performance of a simulated energy system, ie. represent the technical system configuration and operation. They are calculated based on the asset capacities and asset dispatch. They should allow the comparision of different energy system topologies and different project sites with each other. These are the calculated technical KPI:

Economic KPI are calculated to assess the costs of a simulated energy system. They include the costs per asset as well as the system’s overall costs. Relative values like the levelized costs of supply allow a comparision to other investment options. These are the calculated economic KPI:

Environmental KPI are calculated to assess the impact of a simulated energy system on the environment. These are the calculated environmental KPI:

In the sections economic, technical and environmental KPI, these indicators are further defined and in Files the possible exportable figures and files are presented. This takes place with the following structure:


Definition of the defined KPI, can be used as tooltips.


One of Numeric, Figure, Excel File, JSON, Time series, Logfile or html/pdf


Unit of the KPI, multiple units possible if KPI can be applied to individual sectors (see also: Suffixes of KPI).

Valid Interval:

Expected valid range of the KPI. Exceptions are possible under certain conditions.

Related indicators:

List of indicators that are related to the described KPI, either because they are part of its calculation or can be compared to it.

Besides these parameters attributes, the underlying equation of a specific KPI may be presented and explained, or further hints might be provided for the parameter evaluation or for special cases.

Suffixes of KPI

The KPI of the open-plan-tool can be calculated per asset, for each sector or for the overall system.

KPI calculated per asset are not included in the scalar results of the automatic report or in the stored Excel file, but are displayed separately. They do not need suffixes, as they are always displayed in tables next to the respective asset.

KPI calculated for each vector are specifically these KPI that aggregate the dispatch and costs of multiple assets. For cost-related KPI, such aggregating KPI have the energy vector they are describing as a suffix. An example would be the attributed_costs of each energy vector - the attributed costs of the electricity and H2 sector would be called attributed_costs_electricity and attributed_costs_H2 respectively. For technical KPI, this suffix also applies, but additionally, due to the energy carrier weighting, they also feature the suffix electricity equivalent when the weighting has been applied. The energy demand of the system is an example: the demand per sector would be total_demand_electricity and total_demand_H2. To be able to aggregate these cost into an overall KPI for the system, the electricity equivalents of both values are calculated. They then are named total_demand_electricity_electricity_equivalent and total_demand_H2_electricity_equivalent.

KPI that describe the costs of the overall energy system do not have suffixes. Technical KPI often have the suffix electricity_equivalent to underline the energy carrier that the parameter is relative to.

Economic KPI

All the KPI related to costs described below are provided in net present value.

Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total)


Net present costs of the system for the whole project duration, includes all operation, maintainance and dispatch costs as well as the investment costs (including replacements). Applied to a single asset, the costs can also be called present costs of the asset.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Operation and maintenance costs (costs_cost_om) | Dispatch costs (costs_dispatch) | Investment costs (costs_investment_over_lifetime) | Operation, maintenance and dispatch costs (costs_om_total) | Upfront investment costs (costs_upfront_in_year_zero)

The Net present costs (NPC) is the present value of all the costs associated with installation, operation, maintenance and replacement of energy assets within the optimized multi-vector energy system over the whole project lifetime, deducting the present value of the residual value of asset at project end and as well as all the revenues that it earns over the project lifetime. The capital recovery factor (CRF) is used to calculate the present value of the cash flows.

NPC = \sum_i{(c_{specific} + c_{replacement} + c_{residual}) \cdot CAP_i} + \sum_i{\sum_t{E_i(t)} \cdot p_{dispatch}}

Operation and maintenance costs (costs_cost_om)


Costs for fix annual operation and maintenance costs over the whole project lifetime, which do not depend on the assets dispatch but solely on installed capacity. An example would be the maintenance costs for cleaning the installed PV capacity.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Dispatch costs (costs_dispatch) | Investment costs (costs_investment_over_lifetime) | Operation, maintenance and dispatch costs (costs_om_total) | Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total) | Upfront investment costs (costs_upfront_in_year_zero)

Operation, maintenance and dispatch costs (costs_om_total)


Costs for annual operation and maintenance costs as well as dispatch of all assets of the energy system, for the whole project duration.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Operation and maintenance costs (costs_cost_om) | Dispatch costs (costs_dispatch) | Investment costs (costs_investment_over_lifetime) | Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total) | Upfront investment costs (costs_upfront_in_year_zero)

Dispatch costs (costs_dispatch)


Dispatch costs over the whole project lifetime including all expenditures that depend on the dispatch of assets (e.g. fuel costs, electricity consumption from the external grid, costs for operation and maintainance that depend on the throughput of an asset)





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Operation and maintenance costs (costs_cost_om) | Investment costs (costs_investment_over_lifetime) | Operation, maintenance and dispatch costs (costs_om_total) | Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total) | Upfront investment costs (costs_upfront_in_year_zero)

Investment costs (costs_investment_over_lifetime)


Investment costs over the whole project lifetime, including all replacement costs.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Operation and maintenance costs (costs_cost_om) | Dispatch costs (costs_dispatch) | Operation, maintenance and dispatch costs (costs_om_total) | Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total) | Upfront investment costs (costs_upfront_in_year_zero) | Replacement costs (replacement_costs_during_project_lifetime)

Upfront investment costs (costs_upfront_in_year_zero)


The costs which will have to be paid upfront when project begins, ie. In year 0. These are the investment and fix project costs into the chosen configuration.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Operation and maintenance costs (costs_cost_om) | Dispatch costs (costs_dispatch) | Investment costs (costs_investment_over_lifetime) | Operation, maintenance and dispatch costs (costs_om_total) | Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total)

Replacement costs (replacement_costs_during_project_lifetime)


Costs for replacement of assets which occur over the project lifetime.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Investment costs (costs_investment_over_lifetime)

Costs attributed to a specific sector (attributed_costs)


Costs attributed to supplying the demand of a specific sector, based on the net present costs (NPC) of the energy system and the share of the sector demand compared to the overall system demand.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total)

A multi-vector energy system connects energy vectors into a joined energy system and the system is then designed to have an optimial, joined operation. With other systems, the costs associated to each individual energy vector would be used to calculate the costs to supply the individual sector. With the multi-vector system, this could lead to distorted costs - for example if there is a lot of PV (electricity sector), which in the end is only supplying an electrolyzer (H2 sector). The investment and operational costs of the electricity sector assets would thus turn out to be very high, which could be considered unfair as the electricity from PV is solely used to provide the H2 demand. Therefore, we define the attributed costs of each energy vector, to determine how much of the overall system costs should be attributed to one sector, depending on the energy demand it has compared to the other sectors. To be able to compare the demands of different energy carriers, energy carrier weighting is applied.

Annuity (annuity_total)


Annuity of the assets costs over the project lifetime or the energy system’s net present costs (NPC) .





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Annual operation, maintenance and dispatch expenses (annuity_om) | Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total)

Annual operation, maintenance and dispatch expenses (annuity_om)


Annuity of the operation, maintenance and dispatch costs of the asset or energy system, i.e. ballpark number of the annual expenses for asset or system operation.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Annuity (annuity_total) | Operation, maintenance and dispatch costs (costs_om_total)

Levelized costs of electricity equivalent (levelized_costs_of_electricity_equivalent)


Levelized cost of energy of the sector-coupled energy system, calculated from the systems annuity and the total system demand in electricity equivalent.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Net Present Costs (NPC) (costs_total) | Energy demand (total_demand)

Specific electricity supply costs, eg. levelized costs of electricity are commonly used to compare the supply costs of different investment decisions or also energy provider prices to local generation costs. However, a multi-vector energy system connects energy vectors into a joined energy system and the optimization objective of the open-plan-tool then is to minimize the overall energy costs, without distinguising between the different sectors. This sector-coupled energy system is then designed to have an optimal, joined operation. With other systems, the costs associated to each individual energy vector would be used to calculate the levelized costs of energy (LCOEnergy). With the multi-vector system, this could lead to distorted costs - for example if there is a lot of PV (electricity sector), which in the end is only supplying an electrolyzer (H2 sector). The LCOE of electricity would thus turn out to be very high, which could be considered unfair as the electricity from PV is solely used to provide the H2 demand. Therefore, we define the attributed costs of each energy vector, to determine how much of the overall system costs should be attributed to one sector, depending on the energy demand it has compared to the other sectors. To be able to compare the demands of different energy carriers, energy carrier weighting is applied.

Therefore the levelized costs of energy (LCOEnergy) for energy carrier i are defined based on the annuity of the attributed costs, the CRF and the demand of one energy sector E_{dem,i}:

LCOEnergy_i = \frac{Attributed~costs \cdot CRF}{\sum_{t} E_{dem,i}(t)}

The LCOEnergy are are calculated for each sector (resulting in the levelized costs of electricity, heat, H2…), but also for the overall energy system. For the overall energy system, the levelized costs of electricity equivalent are calculated, as this system may supply different energy vectors.

Levelized cost of throughput (levelized_cost_of_energy_of_asset)


Cost per kWh throughput through an asset, based on the assets costs during the project lifetime as well as the total throughput through the asset in the project lifetime. For generation assets, equivalent to the levelized cost of generation.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Annuity (annuity_total) | Aggregated flow (annual_total_flow)

This KPI measures the cost of generating 1 kWh for each asset in the system. It can be used to assess and compare the available alternative methods of energy production. The levelized cost of energy of an asset (LCOE~ASSET_i) is usually obtained by looking at the lifetime costs of building and operating the asset per unit of total energy throughput of an asset over the assumed lifetime [currency/kWh].

Since not all assets are production assets, the open-plan-tool distinguishes between the type of assets. For assets to convert or produce energy the open-plan-tool calculates the LCOE~ASSET_i by dividing the total annuity a_i of the asset i by the total flow \sum_{t} E_i(t).

LCOE~ASSET_i = \frac{a_i}{\sum_{t} E_i(t)}

For assets that store energy, the open-plan-tool sums the annuity for storage capacity a_{i,sc}, input power a_{i,ip} and output power a_{i,op} and divides it by the output power total flow \sum{t} E_{i,op}(t).

LCOE~ASSET_i = \frac{a_{i,sc} + a_{i,ip} + a_{i,op}}{\sum_{t}{E_{i,op}(t)}}

If the total flow is 0 in any of the previous cases, then the LCOE~ASSET is set to None.


For assets that consume energy, the open-plan-tool outputs 0 for the LCOE~ASSET_i.


Technical KPI

Optimal additional capacity (optimizedAddCap)


Capacity added to installed capacity for optimal economic system performance.




kW, kWh, kWp, …

Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Peak flow (peak_flow)

Dispatch of an asset (flow)


Optimized dispatch of an asset in the optimized energy system, ie. its generation or thoughput.


Time series (with time stamps and values)



Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

plot_dispatch | Peak flow (peak_flow) | Aggregated flow (annual_total_flow) | Average flow (average_flow)

Peak flow (peak_flow)


Peak of the dispatch of an asset.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Average flow (average_flow) | Aggregated flow (annual_total_flow)

Average flow (average_flow)


Average value of the assets dispatch. The ratio of average dispatch to peak dispatch indicates how much the asset is used in comparison to its actual installed capacity.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Aggregated flow (annual_total_flow) | Peak flow (peak_flow)

Aggregated flow (annual_total_flow)


Dispatch of the asset over a year, aggregated generation, demand or throughput.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Average flow (average_flow) | Peak flow (peak_flow)

Energy demand (total_demand)


Demand of energy in local energy system over a the project lifetime.




kWh, kWheleq, …

Valid Interval:


Related indicators:


Energy export (total_feedin)


Feed-in of energy into external grid.




kWh, kWheleq, …

Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Onsite energy fraction (onsite_energy_fraction)

Energy import (total_consumption_from_energy_provider)


Aggregated energy imports into the local energy system from the provider.




kWh, kWheleq, …

Valid Interval:


Related indicators:


Total non-renewable local generation (total_internal_non-renewable_generation)


Aggregated amount of non-renewable energy generated within the energy system.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Total local generation (total_internal_generation) | Total renewable local generation (total_internal_renewable_generation)

Total renewable local generation (total_internal_renewable_generation)


Aggregated amount of renewable energy generated within the energy system.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Total local generation (total_internal_generation) | Total non-renewable local generation (total_internal_non-renewable_generation)

Total local generation (total_internal_generation)


Aggregated amount of energy generated within the energy system.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Total non-renewable local generation (total_internal_non-renewable_generation) | Total renewable local generation (total_internal_renewable_generation)

Energy excess (total_excess)


Excess of energy, ie. unused energy in local energy system.




kWh, kWheleq, …

Valid Interval:


Related indicators:


Total renewable energy use (total_renewable_energy_use)


Aggregated amount of renewable energy used within the energy system (ie. Including local generation and external supply).





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Total non-renewable energy use (total_non-renewable_energy_use)

Total non-renewable energy use (total_non-renewable_energy_use)


Aggregated amount of non-renewable energy used within the energy system (ie. Including local generation and external supply).





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Total renewable energy use (total_renewable_energy_use)

Renewable share of local generation (renewable_share_of_local_generation)


The renewable share of local generation describes how much of the energy generated locally is produced from renewable sources. It does not take into account the consumption from energy providers.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Renewable factor (renewable_factor)

The renewable share of local generation describes how much of the energy generated locally is produced from renewable sources. It does not take into account the consumption from energy providers.

The renewable share of local generation for each sector does not utilize energy carrier weighting but has a limited, single-vector view:

REGen_v &=\frac{\sum_i {E_{rgen,i}}}{\sum_j {E_{gen,j}}}

\text{with } v &\text{: Energy vector}

rgen &\text{: Renewable generation}

gen &\text{: Renewable and non-renewable generation}

i,j &\text{: Asset 1,2,…}

For the system-wide share of local renewable generation, energy carrier weighting is used:

REGen &=\frac{\sum_i {E_{rgen,i} \cdot w_i}}{\sum_j {E_{gen,j} \cdot w_j}}

\text{with } rgen &\text{: Renewable generation}

gen &\text{: Renewable and non-renewable generation}

i, j &\text{: Assets 1,2,…}

w_i, w_j &\text{: Energy carrier weighting factor for output of asset i/j}


An energy system is composed of a heat and an electricity side. Following are the energy flows:

  • 100 kWh from a local PV plant

  • 0 kWh local generation for the heat side

This results in:

  • A single-vector renewable share of local generation of 0% for the heat sector.

  • A single-vector renewable share of local generation of 100% for the electricity sector.

  • A system-wide renewable share of local generation of 100%.

Renewable factor (renewable_factor)


Describes the share of the energy influx to the local energy system that is provided from renewable sources. This includes both local generation as well as consumption from energy providers.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Renewable share of local generation (renewable_share_of_local_generation) | Onsite energy fraction (onsite_energy_fraction) | Onsite energy matching (onsite_energy_matching)

Describes the share of the energy influx to the local energy system that is provided from renewable sources. This includes both local generation as well as consumption from energy providers.

RF &=\frac{\sum_i {E_{rgen,i} \cdot w_i + RES \cdot E_{grid}}}{\sum_j {E_{gen,j} \cdot w_j}+\sum_k {E_{grid} (k) \cdot w_k}}

\text{with } rgen &\text{: Renewable generation}

gen &\text{: Renewable and non-renewable generation}

i, j &\text{: Assets 1,2,…}

RES &\text{: Renewable energy share of energy provider}

k &\text{: Energy provider 1,2…}

w_i, w_j, w_k &\text{: Energy carrier weighting factor for output of asset i/j/k}


An energy system is composed of a heat and an electricity side. Following are the energy flows:

  • 100 kWh from a local PV plant

  • 0 kWh local generation for the heat side

  • 100 kWh consumption from the electricity provider, who has a renewable factor of 50%

Again, the heat sector would have a renewable factor of 0% when considered separately, and the electricity side would have an renewable factor of 75%. This results in a system-wide renewable share of:

RF = \frac{ 100 kWh(el)\cdot \frac{kWh(eleq)}{kWh(el)} +50 kWh(el) \cdot \frac{kWh(eleq)}{kWh(el)}}{200 kWh(el) \cdot \frac{kWh(eleq)}{kWh(el)}} = 3/4 = \text{75 \%}

The renewable factor, just like the Renewable share of local generation (renewable_share_of_local_generation), cannot indicate how much renewable energy is used in each of the sectors. In the future, it might be possible to get a clearer picture of the flows between the sectors with the proposed degree of sector-coupling.

Degree of sector-coupling (DSC)

To assess how much an optimized multi-vector energy system makes use of the potential of sector-coupling, it is planned to introduce the degree of sector-coupling in the future. This level of interconnection is to be calculated with the ratio of energy flows in between the sectors (ie. those, where energy carriers are converted to another energy carrier) to the energy demand supplied:

DSC & =\frac{\sum_{i,j}{E_{conversion} (i,j) \cdot w_i}}{\sum_i {E_{demand} (i) \cdot w_i}}

\text{with } i,j &\text{: Electricity,H2…}


This feature is currently not implemented.

Onsite energy fraction (onsite_energy_fraction)


Onsite energy fraction is also referred to as self-consumption. It describes the fraction of all locally generated energy that is consumed by the system itself.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Onsite energy matching (onsite_energy_matching)

Onsite energy fraction is also referred to as “self-consumption”. It describes the fraction of all locally generated energy that is consumed by the system itself. (see [1] and [2]).

An OEF close to zero shows that only a very small amount of locally generated energy is consumed by the system itself. It is at the same time an indicator that a large amount is fed into the grid instead. A OEF close to one shows that almost all locally produced energy is consumed by the system itself.

OEF &=\frac{\sum_{i} {(E_{generation} (i) - E_{gridfeedin}(i)) \cdot w_i}}{\sum_{i} {E_{generation} (i) \cdot w_i}}

&OEF \epsilon \text{[0,1]}

Onsite energy matching (onsite_energy_matching)


The onsite energy matching is also referred to as self-sufficiency. It describes the fraction of the total demand that can be covered by the locally generated energy.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Onsite energy fraction (onsite_energy_fraction) | Energy export (total_feedin)

The onsite energy matching is also referred to as “self-sufficiency”. It describes the fraction of the total demand that can be covered by the locally generated energy (see [1] and [2]).

An OEM close to zero shows that very little of the demand can be covered by locally produced energy. Am OEM close to one shows that almost all of the demand can be covered with locally generated energy. Per definition OEM cannot be greater than 1 because the excess generated energy would automatically be fed into the grid or an excess sink.

OEM &=\frac{\sum_{i} {(E_{generation} (i) - E_{gridfeedin}(i) - E_{excess}(i)) \cdot w_i}}{\sum_i {E_{demand} (i) \cdot w_i}}

&OEM \epsilon \text{[0,1]}


The feed into the grid should only be positive.

Degree of Autonomy (degree_of_autonomy)


A degree of autonomy close to zero shows high dependence on the energy provider, while a degree of autonomy of 1 represents an autonomous or net-energy system and a degree of autonomy higher 1 a surplus-energy system.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Energy demand (total_demand)

The degree of autonomy describes the overall energy consumed minus the energy consumed from the grid divided by the overall energy consumed. Adapted from this definition [3].

A degree of autonomy close to zero shows high dependence on the grid operator, while a degree of autonomy of one represents an autonomous system. Note that this key parameter indicator does not take into account the outflow from the system to the grid operator (also called feedin). As above, we apply a weighting based on Electricity Equivalent.

Degree of Autonomy = \frac{\sum_{i} E_{demand,i} \cdot w_i - \sum_{j} E_{consumption,provider,j} \cdot w_j}{\sum_{i} E_{demand,i} \cdot w_i}

Degree of Net Zero Energy (degree_of_nze)


The degree of net zero energy describes the ability of an energy system to provide its aggregated annual demand through local sources.





Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Energy export (total_feedin) | Energy import (total_consumption_from_energy_provider)

The degree of net zero energy describes the ability of an energy system to provide its aggregated annual demand though local sources. For that, the balance between local generation as well as consumption from and feed-in towards the energy provider is compared. In a net zero energy system, demand can be supplied by energy import, but then local energy generation must provide an equally high energy export of energy in the course of the year. In a plus energy system, the export exceeds the import, while local generation can supply all demand (from an aggregated perspective). To calculate the degree of NZE, the margin between grid feed-in and grid consumption is compared to the overall demand.

Some definitions of NZE systems require that the local demand is solely covered by locally generated renewable energy. In the open-plan-tool this is not the case - all locally generated energy is taken into consideration. For information about the share of renewables in the local energy system checkout Renewable share of local generation (renewable_share_of_local_generation).

A degree of NZE lower than 1 shows that the energy system can not reach a net zero balance, and indicates by how much it fails to do so, while a degree of NZE of 1 represents a net zero energy system and a degree of NZE higher 1 a plus-energy system.

As above, we apply a weighting based on Electricity Equivalent.

Degree of NZE &= 1 + \frac{\sum_{i} {(E_{grid feedin}(i) - E_{grid consumption} (i) )\cdot w_i}}{\sum_i {E_{demand, i} \cdot w_i}}

Environmental KPI

Total GHG emissions (total_emissions)


Total greenhouse gas emissions in kg.




kg GHGeq

Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Renewable factor (renewable_factor) | Specific GHG per electricity equivalent (specific_emissions_per_electricity_equivalent)

The total emissions of the MES in question are calculated with all aggregated energy flows from the generation assets including energy providers and their subsequent emission factor:

Total\_emissions &= \sum_i {E_{gen} (i) \cdot emission\_factor (i)}

\text{with~} &i \text{: generation assets 1,2,…}

The emissions of each generation asset and provider are also calculated and displayed separately in the outputs of the open-plan-tool.

Specific GHG per electricity equivalent (specific_emissions_per_electricity_equivalent)


Specific GHG emissions per supplied electricity equivalent.




kg GHGeq/kWh

Valid Interval:


Related indicators:

Total GHG emissions (total_emissions)

The specific emissions per electricity equivalent of the MES are calculated in \text{kg/kWh}_{eleq}:

Specific\_emissions &= \frac{Total\_emissions}{total\_demand_{eleq}}

Emissions can be of different nature: CO2 emissions, CO2 equivalents, greenhouse gases, …

Currently the emissions do not include life cycle emissions of energy conversion or storage assets, nor are they calculated separately for the energy sectors. For the latter, the problem of the assignment of assets to sectors arises e.g. emissions caused by an electrolyser would be counted to the electricity sector although you might want to count it for the H2 sector, as the purpose of the electrolyser is to feed the H2 sector. Therefore, we will have to verify whether or not we can apply the energy carrier weighting also for this KPI.